Fixing Mac App Store Missing Screenshots Issue

You’ve just updated your Mac OS X applications screenshots in the App Store. You’ve waited for a couple of hours to ensure that Apple have refreshed all their CDNs with your new copy of the screenshot and then you start the Mac App Store application and lookup your app’s page.

Then you saw your screenshots are not updated. Worse, they are missing. None of your new screenshots are shown in your app’s page and only the old ones remain.

Now what?

You’ve deleted your screenshots and then re-uploaded them. Again you wait a few hours before re-checking your app’s entry again at the store.

But your app’s new screenshots are still missing. At this point you frantically try to contact iTunes Connect Support. As always, they are a bit pokey in responding about these things and it takes a couple of weeks before you’ve even get any response from a human being.

While waiting for the iTunes Connect team, you could try re-arranging your app’s screenshots and see if it clears up the issue.

Re-arranging, you said?” you might think skeptically. Yes, change the order of the screenshots in iTunes Connect and do it in a special way: you need to save your changes at every step.

Let me walk through the process to you

  1. Open iTunes Connect and open up your application’s entry.?iTunesConnect-1-2011-03-29-09-25.png
  2. Edit the screenshots — it’s in the Uploads section
  3. Change the order of the screenshots, for example from like this:?iTunesConnect-2-2011-03-29-09-25.png
  4. To look like this:
  5. Click on Save. You need to save it first, even if the screenshots are not ordered the way you want.
  6. Edit the screenshots again and change the order to the way that you want it. Then save it again.
  7. Wait for about an hour for Apple to refresh its CDNs and then open your app’s entry in the Mac App Store.

Hopefully this can help your Mac App Store woes.

By the way, the app that I use as an example is News Anchor, a feed reader that turns news feeds text into TV news broadcasts.

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One thought on “Fixing Mac App Store Missing Screenshots Issue

  1. hah having this prob with my app Sketch Club… trying this trick now!

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