How I said "no thank you" to Apple’s job offer

Recently I’ve said “no thanks” to Apple’s job offer. Was I stupid? Probably. But probably not. A few days ago, I’ve received a LinkedIn message from Jennifer Rakow that claims to be an Apple recruiter. She told me that she had several opportunities and asked whether I would be interested to work for her company.…

Comparing Android vs iPhone typical users

You might wonder, what are the characteristics of the typical Android phone user as opposed to the typical iPhone users? Here is the result of my observation from both on-line observations and off-line idle chats and questions. Android users Open-source fans, hackers, makers, and mobile hobbyist. These people made the conscious decision of buying Android,…

Bootstrapper’s Stories

Stories are interesting. Stories are motivational. Stories let you learn from other people’s successes and failures. These are my  favorite bootstrapped startups stories that I’ve collected from the interwebs so far, in no particular order. From Big Idea to Thriving Business in 8 short years How Michael Akita developed and evolved PhoneTray, a call management…

What’s the impact of hackerporn?

A commenter asked, what is the long-term impact of getting HackerNews-ed? This was asked on the post about how I lost my virginity and now became an amateur entreporn star. That is, whether there is a measurable increase in residual traffic from those hackerporn articles and whether there is an actual impact to my products’…

Fixing Mac App Store Missing Screenshots Issue

You’ve just updated your Mac OS X applications screenshots in the App Store. You’ve waited for a couple of hours to ensure that Apple have refreshed all their CDNs with your new copy of the screenshot and then you start the Mac App Store application and lookup your app’s page. Then you saw your screenshots…

Now I get #entreporn ads in my Facebook

Looks like Facebook’s Skynet also realize that I am an amateur entreporn star and its now trying to sell me fill-in-the-blanks template to create business plans. I wonder whether real VCs fall for that kind of templatized science fiction essays. I doubt that  those fill-in-the-blanks “business plan” can even sell as fiction novels. (above is…

Lifestyle business, defined

In response to Hillel’s definition of “lifestyle business”: Twitter friendly version: Lifestyle businesses is a derogatory term invented by VCs to dissuade entrepreneurs from bootstrapping. Twitter unfriendly version: Lifestyle businesses is a derogatory term created by venture capitalists (VCs) to dissuade potential entrepreneurs from funding their business by using their own money. As these entrepreneurs…